Monday, August 26, 2013

SORRY (&Pottermore stuff)

Oh my God, guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting lately! I have been super busy with summer projects (and school starts today for me so I probably won't be getting on a whole lot anyway). I'm sorry!

In other news (because the guilt is eating at me and I'm going to ramble about it if I don't stop now), I have a Pottermore account!

Actually, I have seven.

Yes. 7. VII. Sept. Seven.

WHY do I have seven different accounts, you ask? Well, it's simple. I'm very easily amused and I liked seeing which wand I would get each time. PLUS the sorting!


I was sorted seven times. Every time I was sorted into the same house: Slytherin.

Because I'm just awesome like that.


I like Pottermore, but I don't have a ton of time for it, and plus you guys come first, like always.

But if you do happen to have a Pottermore account, my main account is GoldHex25191. Feel free to friend me/challenge me to a duel/whatever else you wanna do.

Just thought I'd explain to you guys. Once again, I'm sorry. I'm really, really, really sorry.

P.S. There's a 'Contact Info.& Stuff' tab now which has my Twitter, Goodreads, email, and Tumblr.

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