Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Lost Prince (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #1)

Ethan Chase's life has been anything but normal. He's been able to see the fey all his life--he was even captured by them when he was young and forced to be used as bait while his sister tried to come save him. But now, Ethan's all grown up, and he won't take that crap from faeries anymore.

Julie Kagawa's The Lost Prince is the first book in her new spin-off series, The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten. This book centers around Ethan Chase and his less-than-willing help of some certain fey.

Ethan has been living in fear of the fey ever since he was a 4-year-old, and old habits die hard. He's been pushing everyone away from him for years because he doesn't want anyone to get hurt. However, when he moves to a new school, and even when his bad-boy rep. trails close behind him wherever he goes, one girl doesn't let this more-than-minor detail hinder her.

We soon find out that Ethan's fears of people getting too close to him were kind of right, much as I'd like to blame them on paranoia (and he did have more than his fair share of that). After more than one attempt on his life, as well as one on the girl's--Kenzie's--at a kali (which you'll find out about soon enough ;D ) and other martial arts contest, he decides that all bets are off, and while he may hate to do it, he makes one of the hardest decisions that he's ever made: to willingly go into the Nevernever.

Ethan seeks out Meghan's help after not seeing her for years, though he is still justifiably angry with her and Ash. Everything he goes for is against him seeking her help, but he didn't really have a choice. However, when he gets to Meghan's palace, everything just kind of...falls apart.

Ethan soon learns that Ash, Puck, and Meghan were keeping secrets from him and his new friend, Kierran. Secrets are uncovered, betrayal is felt, lies are said, and nothing can ever be the same anymore--for anyone.


Ethan was a character that I liked, but I didn't fall in love with him like I wanted to. Believe me, I wanted to. He seemed so gorgeous and awesome and stuff, but I just couldn't fall in love with his personality. He was too...cynical, I guess. I could understand it, but he was paranoid about everything and everyone, and he acted like everything that had ever happened was his fault. I would say he's masochistic, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. It was just annoying how he kept blaming himself for everything, even though he knew it wasn't his fault. I felt like he though everything evolved around him, that everything was his fault--which is kind of self-centered and...selfish. I just wasn't crazy about him. However, I did love his kali. :) Filipino martial arts, baby! :D I fangirled and squealed so much because of that!

Kenzie was annoying a lot of the time. She may be bold-faced and all, but I felt like she was kind of perfect for most of the time, which kind of ticked me off. I do not like Mary Sues. Even though I kind of hated her for the most part, I was glad that she was finally able to get Ethan out of some part of his self-loathing. At least she was good for something, other than pushing the plot along. I was just like

Kierran wasn't how I wanted him to be, which I know sounds really bad, but hear me out on this. Kierran didn't feel like major character any of the time--except maybe near the very end. He wasn't...good enough for me, I think. I just wasn't satisfied with him at all. And it annoyed me. Now, I wanted to fangirl over him as much as the next girl, it just didn't happen.

Don't even get me started on his love interest. OMG, I hated her. I even made a point to forget her name. I'm just not gonna start on that Mary Sue.

Grimalkin was back and was as awesome as ever! :D One of the few highlights of the book, but still. I loved him for his part that he played, even if he does just look down his nose (figuratively) at us humans. He's awesome and he knows it.

Now, the moments I turned the pages for--the moments with Puck and Ash! Puck was his awesome self as always, it just seemed like he was even more amazing and hilarious in this book than the others. Maybe it was just because I missed him so much and he wasn't there most of the time. Either way, I loved the moments where he was there, and those were moments that I kept reading the book for. Ash was also amazing! I got to see him in daddy-mode, which was AWESOME! I was fangirling and squealing and all around just happy dancing. I didn't realize how much I had missed those two (Puck and Ash) being together until the scene towards the end of the book where they were there and...I'm gonna start squee-ing again if I don't stop now.

Meghan was...different. The one time that we got to see her, she was so not the her from all the other books, and I guess that has something to do with being the mom of a guy who you knew might kill your little brother if they ever met (which you would know if you read Iron's Prophecy, so I'm not spoiling anything you shouldn't already know), not to mention being the Iron Queen must've been pretty hard on her, too, even with Ash and Glitch to help her. It wasn't the best moment in the book...Except for when Ash was there and I was fangirling all over again.

Todd was pretty cool, and it was really sad that he was kidnapped and stuff, but he was also annoying.


So, I was pretty annoyed with practically all of the 'main' characters. The highlights of the book were Ash, Puck, and Grim. Well...Leanansidhe was comforting in that she would never change, but it wasn't the same. Ethan was okay, but he wasn't bloody brilliant or anything like that.

However, I would still recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed The Iron Fey series, and I will gladly be following this series. You may develop a different opinion than mine about the book--it may be better for you.

I liked this book, but it wasn't fantastic for me. By the way, that cover up there? That's what pulled me in. Well, that and my love for The Iron Fey. Ethan's pretty hot, I must say.

I give this novel 3 out of 5 stars.


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